I teach a world-class program of personal preservation, including factoring in psychology, anatomy, endemics, sociology, physiology, anthropology, proxemics, kinesics and a host of other elements often neglected entirely in traditional martial arts. We cover areas most others don't delve into. The learning methodology is based on neural-conditioning, reverse engineering innate survival skill reactions and proper mindset. Without context, all of this falls apart which is why there's most often a huge training gap between reality and what constitutes martial training. The training is 3-dimensional and experiential, covering situations most often existing in modern crime, not based on the threats faced 200 years ago. Our learning methodology is based on skill acquisition, not skill learning. For more information on our teaching methodology, please see the blog at blog.mandirigmafma.com or the Facebook page, Stay Bladed Costa Rica, where experienced pros in the industry congregate daily to discuss issues of importance. Feel free to call for an interview as to whether you fit what we're teaching and what it is your goal-oriented focus is on taking this type of training.
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